Esoteric Orders: A Survival Guide
Section I: How To Find An Esoteric Order
Last Chapter: Fly-By-Night Mentors
Now that you’ve chosen a small group of community members to interact with, and a
few who have chosen to interact with you, you can start asking questions of
them. At last! Maybe now you can get the answers you’re
looking for! Maybe so, but what you
really want is more than answers. You
also want to know
how those questions
are answered. There is plenty of
information about the person with whom you’re interacting, if you take enough
time to read between the informational lines.
Eleanor Roosevelt once said that “great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss
events, and small minds discuss people”. For your benefit, you are going to want to talk about all of those
things with your prospective mentors. This is not to say that you want, say, a small-minded person for a
mentor. What you are looking for is a
person who has been around long enough to have tackled all these things and,
hopefully, has done it with a certain level of grace and dignity.
Although spiritual Orders are supposed to exist to be a channel to reach for the Higher,
they are still comprised of human beings, who by their very nature are
imperfect. Squabbles between different
circles are commonplace, but even within groups of spiritual brothers and sisters,
wherever two or more are gathered, politics is there in their midst. This is not a sad commentary on the state of
esoteric Orders; it is simply a factor of the human condition. Do not blame the spiritual Path for the
followers who are treading upon it.
The question then arises as to how much time and attention is given to such
activities such as inter-Order politics. The more they quagmire themselves in such mundane trifles, the less
focus they have on the actual Work. In
litigious struggles, online skirmishes and witch wars, some may get ahead, but
when all is said and done, no one really wins. Spiritual traditions and their communities end up diminishing themselves
and their reputations. Yet again, there
are those who stay out of the fray altogether, or actually conduct themselves with
aplomb. It is those people who can rise
above such things that have the most potential to be good mentors.
You may wish to withhold questions about community members until later, though. You want your first impression to be that of
a light-seeker, not a gossip-monger. That said, give some thought to the initial questions you want to ask
your group of potential mentors. This
again comes back around to first impressions. If you ask a question whose answer is easily and readily found on the
Web, there may be variable results, but none of them will be good. To the more unscrupulous mentors out there,
you will be setting yourself up as an easy
mark. The standup community members,
however, are likely busy with projects in the magical, literary and mundane
realms. To them,
you will be wasting their time. No worthwhile mentor is going to take on a student who can’t do his own
Once you get your answers, of course, check and cross-check them to see if they are
valid, or at least consonant with the tradition at hand. For example, if a prospective mentor teaches
you that the sign of Libra is ruled by the “esoteric planet” Atlantis, you’re not
getting a lesson in astrology, you’re getting a bucket of hogwash. That’s not to say that there isn’t any room
for innovation in a tradition. Many
modern astrologers assign the planet Pluto as ruler over the sign of Scorpio,
for instance. However, when it comes
down to tradition versus innovation, consistency must rule the day. If a teacher proclaims to be a traditional
astrologer in one breath and then spouts off about Ophiuchus being the 13
sign of the Zodiac in the next, he’s feeding you a line.
What’s happening here is these mentors are trying to be all things to all people to
make their Orders look enticing, as if they have an edge on all the other
groups out there. What that really
makes, though, is not a good tradition nor a good Order, but just good
recruiting, and nothing more. You’ll
find that most especially in Orders which smash together a bunch of disparate traditions. Yes, syncretism is found at the very heart of
the Western Esoteric Tradition, but again, coherence is the key to an
intelligible magical system. A Thelemic Rosicrucian
Order of Mystic Knights might sound really swank and exclusive, but more than
likely, once inside, you’ll be served up a “garbage plate special” of cryptic tripe
instead of sound arcane knowledge.
All that said, the other critical thing you need to pay attention to is
how your questions are answered. Any teacher worth his salt is going to answer
the question in a language the student is going to be able to understand. Anyone who answers in a grandiloquent
fashion, all the while denigrating alternate views, is an instructor to
avoid. A good mentor doesn’t need to
beat others down in order to raise himself up. A great mentor doesn’t need to raise himself up
at all.
This leads then to the question of the character of the mentors with which you are
now interacting. A spiritual teacher
could hold the keys to the mysteries of the universe. However, all that information is going to be
of no use to his students if the teacher treats them in such a manner as to
leave them spiritually and psychologically broken.
Knowledgeable mentors are those who have spent years working a magical system through and
through. Oftentimes, though, such magical
achievements yield a certain inflation of the ego, sometimes even leading to a
level of self-adulation. They may treat
your basic questions with an air of haughtiness or even a hint of
derision. A telltale sign would be when
such a mentor doesn’t know the answer to a question you might have but responds
nonetheless. If the response smacks of
rhetorical sophistry rather than pertinent information, then he’s being
dishonest with both you
and himself.
On the other hand,
wise mentors are
those who have allowed their magic to work on
them as well. They
understand the nature and importance of spiritual alchemy and the psychological
transformation that it yields. These
people will not have forgotten the steps on their path up the mountain, so they
would answer your questions sincerely, on the level, and at
your level. They would also have the proper balance of self-assurance
and integrity to actually say “I don’t know” to questions outside their sphere
of expertise. The best types of mentors
will go so far as to
make you think for
yourself, rather than spoon-feed you answers from their font of knowledge.
Again, it would be wise to spend a number of weeks sifting through your short list of
community members and filtering them out according to their proficiency in the
tradition, their prowess in tutoring, and the quality of their rectitude as a
spiritual advisor. Once this is done,
now is the time to ask your key advisors about their affiliations and
recommendations when it comes to esoteric Orders.
Listen to them carefully and take their guidance
in this regard seriously. Armed with
their well-informed insight, you can now endeavor to make first contact with those
esoteric Orders which would be the best fit for you.
Next Chapter: Observing the Chiefs (If You Can)
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