For those not already in the know, an urgent appeal was made for healing just a couple days ago. Donald Michael Kraig, a well renowned and respected author in the esoteric community was recently diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
Don is best known for his book
Modern Magick, first published in 1988. Since then, it has gone through a couple evolutions, including a second edition having been published in 2001 and a twelfth lesson later added to the book in 2010. His very approachable writing style made this a best seller and the premier "Magick 101" book of the time. Many readers first cut their magical teeth on this book, including yours truly. We are all affectionately referred to as "Don's Kids".
Nick Farrell has written a ritual and
set up an event in Facebook to coordinate healing efforts for Don. For those who do not have quite as much time, a simple Rose Cross Ritual can be used to send healing light as well.
Please join in this endeavor. Don has changed many lives for the better. Let's return the favor.
UPDATE: The effort to
"Heal Don Kraig" has now become a
Facebook group.
UPDATE 2: Tabatha Cicero has posted a
Rite of Healing on the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn blog.
UPDATE 3: Don is home from the hospital!
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